Trusted and Expert Seller badges
Seller badges are a new way for our most active and trustworthy sellers to standout on Vestiaire Collective. Increase your seller stats, unlock aTrusted Seller iconTrusted Seller iconorExpert Seller IconExpert Seller Iconbadge and get rewarded with exclusive advantages to boost your visibility and sales.
Badges are awarded to the sellers who sell regularly, ensure their items conform to their descriptions and ship quickly.
There are two levels of seller badges: Trusted and Expert. They can be earned based on 3 criteria.
Criteria (over the last 6 months) | ||
Volume Number of items sold. | 2 items | 5 items |
Conformity % of items sold conformed to their description. | 80% | 90% |
Shipping % of items sold shipped in less than 5 days. br Cancellations are considered as unshipped. | 80% | 90% |